Very Inspiring Blogger Award



I love surprises and Fia has been one such surprise. I didn’t even know that someone had been reading my work and was inspired enough to nominate me for this beautiful and humbling accolade. Thanks Fia and I hope you write more and more so that we have more and more “Inspiration” to go on ๐Ÿ™‚

So Fia has nominated me for theย Very Inspiring Blogger Award,ย and the rules of the award are that i must:

1.Thank the person who nominated you(Let me know if I didn’t do you justice ;)).

2. Share 7 things about yourself

3. Pass the award to 7 nominees


So I guess, I’ve taken care of 1.. Moving on to 2:

1. I’m very tall… by Indian standards.

2. I’m a fitness junkie.

3. I believe looks can be deceptive ๐Ÿ˜‰

4. I’m a caffeine-aholic and need coffee ALL THE TIME.

5. My flatmate is my brother ๐Ÿ˜€

6. I’m a chronic texter.

7. And I’m an accident prone chick. I fall at the slightest provocation.


And i’d like to nominate the following blogs as the 7 best blogs I’ve read:

1. Scott Mitchell

2. Arjun Sharma

3. Wendell Brown

4. Kamal Kapoor

5. Noisy Pilgrims

6. Bikramย 

7. Filmisawesomesauce

15 responses to “Very Inspiring Blogger Award

  1. yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ๐Ÿ™‚ ok hold on first of all congratulations for winning the award ๐Ÿ™‚ and thank yuou thank you so much for passing it on to me .. I am very greedy about awards ..

    What do you mean tall , how tall are you ๐Ÿ™‚
    looks are mostly desceptive i think, we dont know the inside person just by looking ๐Ÿ™‚

    same here never say no to coffeeee ๐Ÿ™‚ its strange and i dont know why when i was in india i never had coffee.. and here I dont have tea..

    accident prone he he he welcome ot my world ๐Ÿ™‚

    • I mean I’m taller than most of the men I know ๐Ÿ˜€
      Looks are meant to deceive is what I should’ve written.
      Coffee is coffee is coffee. And that’s that.
      And where are you these days??

  2. Hey Sanya, thanks! You’re one of my FAVORITE and most inspiring writers and I’m honored to be on your list. Interesting to learn more about you with the list of 7 things! I never guessed you were tall or a caffeine-aholic, like me ๐Ÿ˜€

  3. Sanya, i am with Fia, you have been blessed with the third eye, that spiritual one that can see and understand things that most cannot and then transfer it all to a poetic message to be shared! Like Scott i would also like to see you write and share more! Thanks also for the nomination, it says alot that you feel the way you do about all of our sites! I will always try to inspire your heart and lift your spirit! Thanks for showering the love from your heart for all of us! You certainly inspire me also!

  4. Pingback: “2nd Very Inspiring Blogger Award” « FOREVER POETIC

  5. Sanya, early this morning because of your site, the way you try to change the world with your words and messages, because of the love and faith you share, because you always live by the strength of your words.. i nominated you for the “Hug” Award! May your day always be blessed my sister. Read the post at my site and enjoy. Thanks for what you have added to my life each day!

    • Wendell, thank you so very much. I appreciate your gift for bringing so much love into your reader’s lives. A big HUG to you my friend. I stand blessed as i read this comment. ๐Ÿ™‚

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