And Just Maybe…

Every so often you come and sit right in the middle of my mind. Every so often, I can only see every single moment I ever spent with you. Every so often I feel weak. Troubled. Tormented and harassed. Every so often. Every time I turn around I see a reminder of what I’ve lived through. Every time I see a boy and a girl walking together I see us. Or what used to be. Every time I drive down that street, I remember the conversation. I remember what I was to you and I’m sorry. Sorry that I was alive in a story that existed only in my head. Where you have taken up too much space for far too long. Its been a year since the masks fell. Its been a year of dragged steps towards a haunted healing and a haunted life. A year where I took two steps forwards and four steps back. Every so often, I feel sorry. I feel sorry for you and sorry for me. I feel sorry for all that couldn’t be. Maybe its a story of two different people, not us. Maybe its all just a story conjured in my head. Maybe. Maybe I was meant to be without you from the very first. Maybe,  just maybe, you were right. Maybe I’m the best that I could be, without you.

Love Is A Game.


I want so much,
I want to change everything,
I’d live my life trying,
To live all we wish to live.

You talk to me,
I listen to each word,
All along the way,
Just trying to understand you.

When I look at you,
You look back and smile,
You ask me what’s the matter,
I’m happy you’re here this time.

All that we want,
We want it so life’s richer,
Richer in character and challenges,
Richer so its worth living.

Playing along with each other,
We cover life’s grounds together,
You teach me what it means to long,
Long for something so divine.

We fight today,
To keep our wits sharp,
We press each other’s buttons,
To just challenge the other’s heart.

This game carries on,
Till the day we change the rules,
You know we belong in the world,
Where Love is the Best Game.

People Are Strange.


Say they want love,
Say they want honesty,
When they get it, they run.
People are strange.

Want to hold you close,
But don’t want you to be mine,
Want you, but yet I don’t,
People are strange.

You close your eyes,
And smile as I hold your hand,
But you’d rather I let you go,
People are strange.

Such strangers to ourselves,
We force ourselves to become,
That even the mirrors say,
People are strange.

We’ll love him who scorns,
Upon every truth we present,
Cringe at the realities of you and I,
People are strange.

People are strange,
And we are stranger still,
To love when we know,
Aren’t we strange?