The Walk

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I walk down this road,
To find small treasures,
A flower in bloom,
Colors in all measures.

A tree calling out,
To me, inviting,
To sit in its shade,
Induce the writing.

A glimpse into the lives,
Of strangers who live around,
I wonder about their lives,
And their dreams abound.

A picture is more,
Than a mere image,
Its the story of a moment,
Its a nomads pilgrimage.

I Wonder

All my life will go by,
I will exist in your world,
Will you see me standing,
Right by your side?

You will have made promises,
Of solidarity and love,
If to me alone or to many,
I wonder if you’ll remember.

I don’t know who you are yet,
But one day when i will,
Will you be the same,
Or will the mask fall away?

I look strong and brave,
In my love and sacrifices,
I wonder if you’ll see,
If you’ll understand my weakness.

I see myself in your eyes,
Do your eyes voice your heart,
Or do I see a reflection,
Of only my own desires?

As the beat of the music changes,
The rhythm makes my feet move,
I fall in step with you,
I wonder if its you or the song.

Today, I’m but a girl,
Tomorrow, I will be a woman,
Will you understand the difference,
And love me, I wonder.

Music To Her Soul

Running away from life,
She went further and further,
Into a world she’s made,
Her safe haven from herself.

Heart ache an old friend,
She met disappointment,
And pain through her journey,
She was in places bruised and broken.

A light she said she looked for,
A guide she said she wanted,
Some truth, a little faith,
A little love, was all she asked for.

As the music played in her ears,
She heard each beat  and its story,
She heard every note and its sorrow,
For all she had left was the music.

In times trying she turned,
To those songs that would,
Make her forget the regret,
Make her one with the music.

The girl grew into a woman,
Wrote a love song for her beloved,
A melody that she wore with pride,
A harmony for the two to live.

It was music that saved her soul,
It was her songs that made her forget,
When the demons from her past haunted,
Her music was all she wanted.

We all have our saviors,
We all know pain,
But what love was to her heart,
Music was to her soul.


Every fight is a sign,
Of someone who cares,
About you and you can see it,
If you should dare.

Even distance is evidence,
Of hearts growing fonder,
The desire and longing,
The pleasure of the wait and the wonder.

Resistance is proof,
Of the love of destruction,
Some  resist the poison,
While some give in just a fraction.

In the hearts of so many,
Lives repentance and regret,
There is always a little fragment there,
Of a love that they cannot  forget.

As we walk ahead in life,
Many things come to us in disguise,
But if you look behind the pain,
You’ll find love in Paradise.

Walking Away


Days have gone by since,
Since we sat hand in hand,
Since we spoke into the night,
Since we walked in the sand.

You took me surprise,
As you said you’ll be by my side,
I could only watch in wonder,
As the world seemed to hide.

Things have changed now,
You’re apprehensive,
About what we have,
You’re so defensive.

Intimidated by the intimacy,
Afraid of the light,
Unfortunately it isn’t me,
Who you seem to be with in a fight.

We don’t talk about us anymore,
We talk in dialogues of blames,
Friends and enemies the same,
Who just play nasty games.

You and I were walking together,
Or such was what I had thought,
But my naivety be damned,
Now it turns out we’re not.

But i’m happy to walk away,
I know how bad hearts can ache,
I’m happy to be your friend,
Unlike lovers, friends are never fake.

So I’ll sit with you still,
And live along with you each day,
I’ll kill my heart,
As I’m walking away.

This Crazy World

In such short and hurried lives,
With each other we tussle,
Blinkers on, looking straight ahead,
For survival, alone we hustle.

Each morning marks the beginning,
Of nothing short of a war,
Like mercenaries we soldier on,
Choosing between either and or.

For in fear and insecurity we live,
Feed the devil our soul everyday,
For hatred and revenge we sweat,
But not for love a word we say.

Strange be this world where,
I am only what I can give,
I’m not a mind, a heart, a soul,
I know not for what I live.

Ego’s win every battle,
We lose each other along the way,
This crazy world chews us up,
And spits us out everyday.

It’s A Wonderful Life

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Simple things make life,
Come alive with a spark,
Special moments make life,
Make it a life worthy of passion.

Small pleasures everyday,
A cup of coffee, a friendly joke,
A walk by the beach,
The sunset on the horizon.

While we live the moment,
Breathe in the beauty,
Our mind holds the sentiment,
A picture, holds the story.

Years later when you look back,
Moments will come alive,
These pictures will remind you,
That its been a wonderful life.

You’ll Be Fine

It’s a funny thing,
The desire to defend,
Another from a foe,
Unknown, yet hated.

A friend might love,
As unconditionally,
As would a parent,
Love their child.

It’s protective and defensive,
It’s easy and eccentric
This bond between,
Two friends like us.

You’ll push me to mischief,
Save me from its consequences,
Force me to take chances,
And mend my broken heart.

The urge to share,
Every moment of everyday,
Some incidents with mirth,
Others with remorse.

You are my witness,
As am I yours,
Our trails run parallel,
Right through each other’s hearts.

Secret-keeper, mystery-seeker,
Confessional, my arsenal,
I need no other,
With you riding shotgun.

You’re my team,
We’re two of a kind,
Wreck havoc on him,
On whom we set our minds.

After all these years,
I believe you every time,
When you look at me in tears,
And tell me, “You’ll be fine.”


A little closer,
I come,
To you and to me,

I don’t know,
Who we are,
I don’t care,
I never did.

All I see,
Is  a breath,
Between us,

A little warmer,
I feel inside,
Because of you,
With me today.

Hopelessly romantic,
I may be,
But the truth,
You cannot deny.

Close your eyes,
And open your heart,
For this day,
Will die tomorrow.

And tomorrow,
Will be gone,
With or without,
You and I.

Live for yourself,
Not for fear,
Nor for me,
But for  love.

My friend,
Be here,
With me,

A Thousand Words